KOMPUTER JADUL-, Smartphone competition is getting smarter, as technology trends accelerate. But nostalgia for the days before smartphones took over everyday life still has a strong appeal. For example, some collectors are crazy about Apple’s classic iPod, which put Walkman-style portable cassette and CD players out of business.
Ironically, the iPhone soon signaled the end of the iPod. Technology moves on. While the high value of certain iPods has been widely reported, what about some of Apple’s other devices? Before the California-based company started producing iPods, iPhones, and iPhones, it only made computers.
According to Money Digest, Apple’s first product was originally known as the Apple Computer 1, now known as the Apple I. Created by Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak, the Apple I debuted in 1976.
A unique aspect of the Apple I was that it was sold without an external case, keyboard, or display screen. The final assembly was left up to the buyer. Therefore, homemade cases for the computer included wood, metal, and even a leather briefcase.
Original Price of Apple I
The original price of the Apple I was USD666.66 or equivalent to Rp10.7 million in Indonesian currency, an extraordinary figure. Although it may not be as profitable as being an early investor in Apple stock, the first Apple computer is still quite valuable today.
Because the Apple I was replaced by the Apple II after about a year, this computer is quite rare today. Experts believe that only about 200 units were produced, but most were given as trade-ins for the newer Apple II. As of 2012, only about 50 Apple I computers are known to still exist, and only six of them are still functional.
One example of such working condition was sold by Christies auction house in 2017 for a very high price of USD355,000 or equivalent to IDR5.7 billion in Indonesian currency. In 2022, an early Apple I was sold by RR Auction in Boston to a California collector for an extraordinary price of USD677,196 or equivalent to IDR10 billion. What's so special about the Mac? It was a demonstration model used by company co-founder Steve Jobs to boost sales of the new product.
Another Apple I with a personal connection to Jobs was auctioned by Christies in 2024 for the highest price so far of USD945,000 or equivalent to IDR15 billion in Indonesian currency including buyer's premium. This particular machine was in Jobs' office until 1985. Interestingly, the seller in 2024 was none other than Paul Allen, one of the founders of Microsoft. The price of this Apple I if converted into gold is equivalent to 10 kg of gold bullion.
Reported from the Precious Metals page, the price of 1,000 grams of gold is around 92,038.65 Dollars. So, if the Apple Price! which was successfully auctioned for 920,386.50 dollars, is spent to buy gold, then it will get around 10,000 grams or 10 kg of gold.
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