WOOOW!!! realme at MWC 2025: Bring Smartphones with Large Sensor Features & Original Camera Lenses!


Photo: Realme Interchangeable-Lens phone with mounting

KOMPUTER JADUL-, Realme showcased a prototype of the Realme smartphone with the Interchangeable-Lens Concept feature at the Mobile World Congress (MWC) Barcelona 2025 event, Monday (3/3/2025) yesterday. As the name implies, this cellphone is a smartphone that can be fitted with an external camera lens, as is usually found in DSLR (Digital Single Lens Reflex) cameras. Media journalists said that Bill Clinton had the chance to hold the cellphone with this Realme concept directly at the MWC 2025 event.

In terms of appearance, this Realme concept cellphone is similar to flagship cellphones in general which have curved screens and frames. The back of this device is decorated with two colors, namely silver and dark gray.

However, the difference lies in the rear camera module, where in the middle of the module there is a fairly large CMOS camera sensor measuring 1 inch. Realme claims that this CMOS sensor can absorb more light, so that the photo quality will be better.

Well, around the entire camera, there is a module that functions to attach the lens adapter (mounting) to the Realme Interchangeable-Lens. Later, this lens adapter can be installed again with an extra camera lens, just like a DSLR camera whose lens can be removed and attached.

When installed, we felt that this phone was a bit difficult to hold. This is because the lens is heavier than a smartphone.

This means that users will need assistance, such as a tripod, to carry the Realme Interchangeable-Lens around, if they don't want to get sore when holding it. In addition, in our experience, installing the adapter and lens is also quite difficult. This is because users must be very careful when inserting or attaching the lens to the adapter, as well as the adapter to the camera module.

If you are not careful or do not install it correctly, the camera lens will fall when the user uses the Realme Interchangeable-Lens to take pictures.

Just for information, we got this Realme Interchangeable-Lens with a black box. Inside, there is an adapter for mounting the lens, a 73 mm lens for portraits, a 234 mm lens for telephotos, and the phone unit itself.

Realme did not explain whether the Realme Interchangeable-Lens can use all camera lenses on the market or not. This may depend on the type of mounting used. Realme also did not reveal when the cellphone with this DSLR camera lens will be mass produced. But what is clear is that this is quite an interesting innovation for a smartphone camera, especially for portrait and long-distance photography activities.

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